So Good Right Now, Thank You Right Now.

Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling with Robin Hallett, Intuitive

Hello, sweet friend,

I am sending love and a hug today. How is the weather in your heart?

There are days where I’m feeling so good like I’m so glad to be alive…I’m excited and grateful and I know anything is possible. Some days the feeling goes all day long, and other days I get just a tiny glimmer of it.

Either way, when this happens I love it because I feel a power flowing in me. I’ve been standing here trying to write the words of how this feels…as best I can describe it: This is my journey, my one precious life and it’s never too late for any of us and anything we’re wanting is possible.

It’s like being in a powerful flow and I know I can work miracles there. You can too, just decide to get into that flow. The only words we’d speak from that flow are: It’s so good right now! Thank you, right now!
No poop caboose stories and none of the old history — we wouldn’t bring that stuff with us because it just would not match our energy. It would not occur to us to even talk about it!

Free will means we are always able to choose our perspective. We create from our thoughts and vibes, we are the crafters of our outcomes. I know sometimes that can be a hard thing to know especially when we’re suffering. And yet, it is what it is.

When we choose to acknowledge that it is good right now, we enter that flow. We elevate ourselves into the space of love, joy, peace, delight… and that’s the best self-empowerment move ever.

If you want to try a power statement here’s one:

Thank you, right now. I am awake and I am aware that I have a choice in how I think about me and my life and my possibilities. Thank you right now, so good right now.

And even when you’re down or depressed or afraid you can try it and see how it works in your heart.

I am no stranger to any of those feelings, by the way, I am walking with you on all of this and sharing what works with you.

I’m sending love and a hug and always, I am here to walk with you if you’d like more support. And if you loved this letter, I send one like this every week to the Love Posse, sign up here so I can send you one too.


Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling with Robin Hallett, Intuitive

Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: