It’s About The Quality of Your Shine, Not The Number of Likes You Get // Tea with Robin Podcast Episode 55

It's About The Quality of Your Shine, Not The Number of Likes You Get

If you’ve ever experienced the worry of not being received, liked, recognized, acknowledged… and then felt the pressure to DO SOMETHING to make that happen, this one’s for you.

On honoring our shine and sparkle exactly as we are and going for the happy claps in our own heart over the accolades we’re seeking anywhere else. 

It’s About The Quality of Your Shine, Not The Number of Likes You Get

🎧 Listen to Episode 55: Recognition, Edges, #spiritualbiz

This episode is also available wherever you enjoy podcasts 🙂

My session notes including time stamps are below 😍😘

It's About The Quality of Your Shine, Not The Number of Likes You Get

My notes from this show:

Greetings! Welcome.

How are you today? Are you remembering to be kind and gentle with yourself? Are you being good to you and remembering that you matter? I hope so!

I talk about #1husband making me coffee, that smell, how it hits the bedroom and really receiving the blessing of this.

So good to appreciate the little things.

Setting the intention for this day.

Be excited. There’s nothing wrong with letting yourself feel excited, in fact, it’s everything right. I know how people tease you for being sparkly but I would rather not be a poopy person, we have too many grumpy people in the world already.


Did you bring a cuppa yum yum today? Cheers to you my friend! Here’s to a magnificent day.

Today’s show is about our own discomfort at being seen, putting ourselves out there, and what goes on inside of us when there’s a lack of response to what we have shared.


Entrepreneurship – sharing your work
Dating – putting yourself out there, hoping to meet someone
Corporate Teams – working on a big project

I made a recent YouTube video on Social Media:

Several friends I see in session have been bringing this topic up.

Not feeling liked, special, recognized, picked.

I absolutely understand! This is an issue that relates to each of our journey.

It’s so normal and natural for us to want people to like us. I love knowing that you are liking what I do, I love getting positive feedback and love your comments. Also, this is a major form of how people find me to work with me.

I know all about the upsets of sharing ourselves online.


I share a story about being booed off the stage in 7th grade.

A lot of times, our things don’t get shared, seen, liked and we can feel hurt and get too focused on the response not coming. It can take you in a direciton that is not good.

Moms and facebook groups for kids school
Professional communities who don’t support one another online – jealousy/envy
People who complete a huge corporate project but there’s no celebration for the success
Dating, you go on one date and never hear back again

I can tell examples to you until the cows come home, but best if you consider what happens for you.

There’s nobody else out there like you! There is no set rule to live by. You can look around to see what other people are doing, but you gotta learn to stick with you and honor your own way.

Most of the time when our feelings are hurt, it’s because we aren’t belonging to ourselves – check out this post here.

You may not be feeling loved + cherished by yourself and this is why people can seem to hurt our feelings when they don’t respond to us.

We needed to fit in growing up, this was very important, so sometimes we had to betray the way we wanted to express ourselves in order to fit in. So if you have any friction around that still in need of healing, of course these public sharing situations will be upsetting for you. It’s the sign there is healing to do.

Belonging, feeling loved and appreciated, accepted, worthy must happen from within your own heart. And then we need to work on not caring more about what other people think.


Deeply loving yourself and honoring your own way is so important. AND you just have to keep in mind, you will come across people who will not be able to celebrate you because what you do — your shine — is triggering for their own issues.

I talk about my friend moving to italy and the first emotion I felt was envy. But this can remind us to do our work.

So if you find yourself celebrating your success, and someone you know doesn’t comment or applaud your efforts, keep in mind that your sense of upset is a reminder that you need to be sharing without caring what your peeps think, the most important work you do is honoring your shine.

So any judgment or fear you have about how you show up and what people think is really an invitation to do your work.Do the work of belonging to yourself.

Each of us has felt the longing to fit in, be popular, or do things the right way in order to be accepted and loved. But you can keep giving yourself the love! Be your own wingman… stay with your own heart. Trust that these feelings are a sign that you have something important to say and you need to be on board with that and not talking yourself down with poo poo language about how people don’t support you. No. Practice shining and sparkling and living the life you feel proudest to claim.

You cannot listen to the old wounding because you will never get this issue healed, it will deepen.

It's About The Quality of Your Shine, Not The Number of Likes You Get


I’ll tell you a secret from the healing room about social media. A lot of people are upset about it but they pretend they are cool with it. I hear stories a lot.

Raising my hand, I am walking through this too. I use my upset to remind me what I am truly about. See my Three Things Philosophy here.

Let’s say the upset for someone is about not getting Facebook likes on their posts. What I see, that story is repeating in many places in a persons’ life. They’re seeing it at the store when the cashier isn’t smiline. When the neighbor doesn’t say hello, when the kid is in a bad mood. You’ll see this issue popping up in many places. This common denominator upset / wounding lives in you and if you can see this old energy happening, you can heal it.

If any interaction you have leaves you feeling icky, you can bet there’s healing to be done. Don’t just ruminate on what that person said, or the number of likes you got. NO. Take that upset and say, I am here to heal this, please help me to see. Open my eyes so I can understand.

We need to stop telling the story of our badness, and pointing to the evidence of our not-lovedness. If we don’t work on this, you will be 93 still struggling with this issue! (funny part at 20:11)

You are beautiful, and precious and you are here to shine a light in whatever direction you feel called! But if you make this about the dumb things, you will be stuck on the dumb things.

So what are you really going for? The likes? Or the shine? The accolades? Or the meaningful connections?

We are here to shine and help others.


We don’t always see that when we are critical of what we are doing or others are doing, how much we are gearing our manifesting energy toward the upset. So of course we are attracting the energy of being ignored and disappointed.

We’ve got to work on this. And it’s okay. You aren’t the only one. I have this too sometimes. I notice my upset when something does not do as well as I thought it would online. Something I worked hard on… I can feel sad.

But I love it! I think it’s great! And there could be a million reasons why it didn’t do well.

There is a higher purpose to what we are sharing in the moment. Sometimes the right people who are meant to see it will, but you may never know that.

Let go of trying to fit in. Or be famous. Or popular. Instead, welcome yourself exactly as you are and share your authentic shine. Don’t complicate things with your upset and petty dramas and mental tennis matches.

Argh. All the crap we put ourselves through!


You might share a post and two years later, the most meaningful connection of your entire career will happen because of that post.

Your job is to show up and shine. Share with love in your heart. That’s you following your purpose. And that means you can trust that all is always well, and the right connections are happening.

We are so controlling about how our work is being perceived. What people think. What if we let go? Here! I made this for you!

What To Do About Upset on Social Media


What if we just rode in the positive energy of I LOVE THIS!!!

Keep exploring the wound you feel. Don’t snub yourself. Don’t listen to your shame. It doesn’t serve you and gives you nothing back. It will deepen your self conscious groove though. Be aware of that.

Speak kindly to yourself as you find this upset place in your heart.

Homeless and toothless in a van down by the river 😉

We’ve always had the power. This isn’t something new… it’s always been in you. So don’t let your focus be on the wrong stuff. We need to show up for us as a loving witness and guide and until we do, that wounding will serve as the reminder… it’s trying to help us do the work.

Do the work of freeing yourself up.


Reasons why not.
I hear so many stories of people who haven’t begun whatever it is they dream about doing because they listen to their upset.

The best thing that could happen is we rip the bandaid off!

There is no difference between you and Yo Yo Ma, it’s just that Yoyo ma said YEs.

We need to learn how to say yes! No, not the drama, not the cattiness…

If you love something, you need to be doing that. You need to be sharing that. And JUST BECAUSE the 5 people you wanted to see it snubbed you doesn’t mean you aren’t.


Are you here to be popular, or are you here to shine a light?
Are you here to get five stars everywhere you go? Or are you here to shine a light?
Are you only looking for the thumbs ups, or are you hoping to help someone?

It’s so clear when I put it that way, right?!

Anybody feeling called to share is a teacher in the world. YOU ARE A TEACHER. So be a teacher. Don’t follow your ego mind, listening to the dark energy. As we learn how to be free and move forward in the world, we are adding light that is really valuable.

I hear compliments on this all the time. I love how you do it, Ribub. TYes. From the beginning, I decided to go my own way, not the popular way. I trust that Spirit is my agent and I am the talent. My job is to show up and shine. Whatever comes to me as inspiration, I show up and trust it’s what I should be sharing.

Who Are God’s Teachers? A Course In Miracles – Manual For Teachers
A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, somewhere he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart from someone else’s. Once he has done that, his road is established and his direction is sure. A light has entered the darkness. It may be a single light, but that is enough. He has entered an agreement with God even if he does not yet believe in Him. He has become a bringer of salvation. He has become a teacher of God.

The big thing is, answer the call, help people out, be an inspiration. All you need to do is say yes in your heart and learn to take the upsets which come from not being good enough, popular enough, seen, liked, and work on that energy and invite yourself home again.

May that serve you today!

If this is scratching your surface, check out the video here: Social Media Upset

Announcements this week:

You probably know the perfect people who need to hear this and be helped, and they’d be so grateful for this awakening. I remember how many times I was upset and disheartened and didn’t understand this healing light yet. How hard it is to measure the likes only, not the love. It’s really about the love. Trust in your message and your light!

I’d appreciate you sharing this with anyone it may help. Click the share buttons above or below, or always I appreciate a review on iTunes


Big thanks to you, Josie:

“Beautiful podcast, Robin. My way is the right way! Sitting in my joy, noticing my inner guidance, going with that flow. You are a blessing as always. Thank you for your weekly reminders!”

Trust that the perfect people are receiving what we offer and it’s always about aligning hearts already looking for what you offer.

Inspiration today, my favorite Rumi quotes:

“Keep walking, though there’s no place to get to.
Don’t try to see through the distances.
That’s not for human beings. Move within,
But don’t move the way fear makes you move.

If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?

Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.” ― Rumi

“Do you know what you are?
You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter.
You are a mirror reflecting a noble face.
This universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;
everything that you want,
you are already that.”
― Rumi, Hush, Don’t Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi


Right now, I’d love you to decide that you are a sacred being.

It's About The Quality of Your Shine, Not The Number of Likes You Get

This week’s letter: from #spiritualbusiness

Hi Robin,
Thank you for all that you share! I could really use some encouragement, that things will not always be like this. That I’m like a lotus that has to grow through the mud.
I’m really ready to get out of my current circumstances at a job that I do not care for. I’m working on starting my own spiritual business but I’m feeling beat down and losing my sparkle. I want to self fund my biz and get out of debt and that’s why I feel like I can’t leave this job yet. I guess I could use some cheering on – that I can do this. Maybe others are feeling like this too.

Love & Light,

Hi, Shawna!

Yes absolutely others are feeling like this too. Until we really deeply do the practice of loving ourselves and being grounded and committed in our own hearts, and deciding to shine no matter the evidence or fear we have, we can’t begin.

I am going to stay on this path because it feels good to be a lightshiner and I trust deeply and completely in my journey. Start there. Even if it’s a story. Tell the one you want to tell not the one taking you to hell 😉

What To Do About Upset on Social Media

Of course you’ve been tapped by spirit with so much love to do this.

How would it be to find gratitude for your current job while you wait for your right thing to show up? Find your gratitude for where you are now and know it’s your lily pad for today, holding you and allowing you to spring forward,

Know all things are possible for you!
You ARE here doing this.

And the less you tell the story of what isn’t working, and what you are afraid of, the less you will feel that urgency without possibility.

Work on this and you will see how much smoother and faster your transition will be.

Let’s rewrite your letter like this:

Hi Robin! 🙂
Thank you for all you share. I feel so encouraged!
Things are always moving in a positive direction.
I’m a lotus who has grown through the mud! Thank you for helping me push through!! I have begun my spiritual business!! Yay!! I feel my sparkle!! And I’m so grateful for my current circumstances at a job I used to think I didn’t care for. It has allowed and provided me with so much growth. Thank you! Thank you!! I’m so grateful! It feels so good!! Life is good!

Love & Light
Your soul sister,

And the last thing I will mention is this, God is the CFO not you. You’re the talent. You don’t need to self-fund your business. The abundance will flow to you naturally and effortlessly as you shine and sparkle in what you love. Honor the Trickle would be a great post for you to read!

So may that serve you and thanks for writing!

And friends, if you’d like me to read your letter on the air, write to me here.

Woot! Episode 55 is in the can. I can’t wait to see you here next time. I am sending so much love your way.

I am wishing you a blessed day!

If I can read a letter for you, if I can shine a light, or you have a follow up topic for a future episode write to me here.

Show references below

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⭐A Course in Miracles Quotes:

Who Are God’s Teachers? A Course In Miracles – Manual For Teachers
A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, somewhere he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart from someone else’s. Once he has done that, his road is established and his direction is sure. A light has entered the darkness. It may be a single light, but that is enough. He has entered an agreement with God even if he does not yet believe in Him. He has become a bringer of salvation. He has become a teacher of God.

You might enjoy the Course in Miracles practices I offer here.

⭐Related links for this episode:

No Icky, Slimy, or Sleazy. Businessy Love for Heart Centered Entrepreneurs.

Be Your Own Wingman, Have Your Own Back // Tea with Robin Podcast Episode 33

Love is the Metric

Honor the trickle: How to stay aligned with your calling and not become disheartened by the process.

Be Inspired, Live Inspired, Inspire Others // Tea with Robin Podcast Episode 53

⭐Books mentioned in this episode:

Hush, Don’t Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi

A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings

The Illuminated Rumi

A course in Miracles: Combined Volume

You might enjoy the Course in Miracles practices I offer here.

Thank you for listening, may it serve you!

Hugs and love,

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Hi, friends. Oh man, is this ever an important topic, if you’ve ever experienced the worry of not being received, liked, recognized, acknowledged… and then felt the pressure to DO SOMETHING to make that happen, this one’s for you. I hear a lot of stories in the healing room, and all I can say is I wish more of us were talking about this openly. Instead of protecting our shame we could be supporting our shine. Episode 55 is about honoring our shine and sparkle exactly as we are and going for the happy claps in our own heart over the accolades we’re seeking anywhere else. If you’ve ever felt the discomfort of wanting to be seen, received, or recognized, or if you can identify with not feeling liked, picked, or popular, this is the episode for you. Plus I’ll share some of my favorite Rumi quotes to support us and our letter this week is from a friend who wants to leave her job and start a #spiritualbusiness. Here’s to you sharing your heart exactly as you are baby! This is not the average self-help conversation. Come grab a cuppa yum yum and meet me here. ❤️ Link in bio for full episode on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you enjoy listening Always, thank you so much for supporting the podcast! I appreciate your awesome reviews, and you sharing these episodes with friends who can benefit. Want me to read your letter on the show? DM me here or email hello @

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Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: