“Don’t waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Welcome to another week of our experience. Have you made any new discoveries about yourself at this time?
In this episode, I share encouragement on how we stay in an authentic place of joy and miracles without having to pretend there’s nothing Coronavirus going on. Listen to this episode here or read the transcript (with timestamps) below.
Listen to Episode 83: Chant the Beauty of the Good, Word of the Day, #dancingindakar
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Tea with Robin Podcast Show References
Quotes Shared:
“Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.” – Buckminster Fuller
“Don’t waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
You might enjoy the Course in Miracles practices I offer here.
Related links for this episode:
Books mentioned in this episode:
Wayne Dyer, Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life
A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume
You might enjoy the Course in Miracles practices I offer here.
Thank you for listening, may it serve you!
Hugs and love,
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Tea with Robin Episode Unedited Transcript
Hello Beloved, it’s me Robin Robin Hallett intuitive healer and Light Sparkler at Robin Hallett calm. And this is Tea with Robin. On today’s episode. How are we getting through this time Emerson said it best chant the beauty of the good. Our inspiration today will be something powerful. I’ve been sharing with friends every single day. And we’ll have a letter from hashtag dancing in the car. All this and more. come grab a cup of yummy. Come and meet me here. Hello, hello. Hello. Guess who it is. It’s me Robin, your heart sparkling pal on this journey in our new Wonderland experience. Welcome to another week of joy and infinite possibilities. Together with you. Welcome back to the podcast Tea with Robin. This is Episode 83. And if you’re here for the first time, Hi, it’s me, Robin. First of all a big hug to, however, whoever got you here today. Thank you so much. And welcome aboard. Welcome to your new love posse. I’m so glad you’re here. So Beloved, How is the weather in your heart today? How are you doing? Are these wild times or what? I just am like, Wow. Wow. So are you being kind and gentle with yourself? Are you being loving with yourself? And have you made any new discoveries about you at this time. I wonder. I wonder if you’ve discovered anything new or extra cool about you at this time. Over here, the weather My heart is good. It’s a beautiful day. I’m listening to the birds. They’re very busy out the window right now. I see one going up and down with little things for the nest. She is feathering her nest. And there’s a squirrel here too, who’s carrying leads big wads of leads up in its mouth and plugging them into a hole in my tree. Also building a nest, and I can’t help but go there. You know, how are we feathering your nest these days? How are we building our nest our experience that we’re riding in So the weather was nice talking about the weather, my heart is pretty good. It’s pretty good. I feel alive and excited and grateful and awake and aware and lots of permission for my own experience to I’m feeling a lot of permission to just be who I am. And that feels new. It feels so new for me. instead of pushing and skydiving and, or pushing myself to get a little more in gallon or more done, you know, I’m resting permission to rest permission to lay around and do nothing permission to listen to music, read a book, be in the sunshine, talk to people, not talk to people, you know all of it. So, doing pretty good over here and you Do you know what comes next? The big question of the day is did you bring a cup a yum yum. You gotta say like that a cup, a young young. I did I have my favorite unicorn mug. It’s never far from my little hands these days. My favorite Namaste a unicorn mug and I’m drinking Moroccan mint tea, which is surprisingly yummy. It’s green tea, no sea salt in this and no sweetener or anything just displaying it’s pretty good. cleaning out the you know, still breaking into the specialty items that you always save for other things. This is a box I just never went for. And now I’m drinking it and enjoying it. It’s really fun to do that. So I’m raising my cup of yum yum to you. You My friend, this is for you. And I really hope you will take this in.
You are my cup of Yum, yum today. I appreciate you. I appreciate you showing up. I appreciate your courage. I appreciate your willingness. I appreciate your open heartedness. And I also appreciate the enormous challenges at times that you face that you’re awake to and you know you’re not running away. I appreciate you in that. Wow. So this is all for you today. Tears that hurt, and it’s so hot. Okay, but let’s do it again. So good maracas. For The Win, that’s Trader Joe’s green tea. So funny how you have your favorites, don’t you and you just always go for the same one. And then a time like this has gotten me playing with all the stuff in my pantry these days. I don’t know about you, but it’s like, yeah, this tea. I’ve never really tried it. Let’s start and then you discover all this new stuff. So, you know today, here’s what I want to talk about. First of all, I should invite you along on a little journey with me. It has been a day of I have been doing Healing Sessions where I continue to hear the same things from different hearts on the journey, which is always very amazing to me because it tells me that many of us are going through similar experiences and I want to tell you, you are not alone in how you’re feeling. So I invite you in to this posse, I invite you in to ride with me. And all of us here. There are many hearts here. many voices, similar journeys, wanting to ride this time in a higher vibe, way not to pretend Nothing’s going on. No, not to deny that anything is happening. But to know that we still have a choice in how we move through this time and those of us here are choosing intentionally and at the very there’s a dog outside barking with me right there is like Yes, I love this message Robin. At the very least At the smallest we can do is allow ourselves to remember that and rest. You know there will be days that feel more intense. And this is not to say anybody needs to pick up their pom poms and do a 24 seven cheer squad in their backyard, okay? Those people are exhausting. You can be real and be where you’re at. The thing is where you’re at is pretty freaking awesome. And you’re choosing to know that and stay in your joy. And I love that. So you are invited here. And, and, boy, furthermore, every day I have been offering. I’m calling it now calling it magic mornings with me on Instagram Live and I repost those to YouTube. Also repost the audios in a downloadable format on my website. Morning magic. We’re coming together and sharing a hug and getting into our good place together as a posse at 9am. central time that Chicago time on Instagram. I’m Robin Hallett at Robin Hallett. You’ll find this in the links below. Or you’ll find me on Instagram, you know? Yeah. So the common stuff I just finished today obsessions, I’ve been just jotting some commonalities, kind of like making a graph and we’re all falling in a similar place. Energetically speaking, a lot of us are feeling grateful. A lot of us are feeling awake and alive.
We’re feeling like This is a time where we’re finding some energy of thriving happening. Sometimes you’ve said to me, it’s been so good, but I don’t want to say it. It has been good so far, but I don’t want to say it. This time is bringing up a lot for a lot of us. But one of the things I felt as a collective we decide to do is to lay down our guilt. Lay down our apologies. what the world needs now more than ever, are people who are lit up. I keep thinking about how, you know, it keeps coming to me that especially now in the time of our spring, there’s such vibrancy everywhere I look in the states Anyway, there’s such a vibrancy here and around the world. There is We’re seeing so much vibrancy returning that you know in terms of nature and clear, fresh, wonderful color, air quality water quality. This is a time For vibrant your vibrancy, this is a time for my vibrancy and I’ve been thinking about Buckminster Fuller Cookie who said never forget you are one of a kind Never forget One Need for you in all your uniqueness. Be on this earth you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be that one person can make a difference in the world. And so I offer that to us because there are so many of us feeling that vibe currency and at the same time apologizing Just feeling awkward about it In it Today We drop off. As a prank This and continue On with divine Currency Your life is the key You being alone. In the world is the key And you make a difference. This is a time for us to welcome the blessing And it’s a struggle to find And I really get for some of us It truly has been Somebody challenges sometimes one on top of the other. I am not even dismissing now. Still, you can’t help being who you are meaning you’re still looking for the beauty. Even there. That is what is so amazing about you. You’re still looking for the beauty. You’re still chanting the beauty of the good as Ralph Waldo. Lesson 10 instead of choosing to complain or freak out or add one more out of having a to an already bloated system You’re choosing something ELS in our Love about You Soon inviting you to Be brave today to call the goodness and beauty to you to call and speak love Speak life, speak life. I’ve talked about This year, so many Coming to speak Life over anything else Did you Too Be vibrant. And see how that does you see how that shifts your energy? The truth is, those of us who want this love for ourselves, those of us who want to be this difference maker in the world, those of us who choose this as a practice and a way of life, and I would actually say we can’t help it, can we, we just cannot help ourselves. This is who we are. We choose. We feel the effects of the time of that. And while I love being prepared, being safe, honoring my needs,
honoring myself care, I love all of that. Honoring, following the guidelines of the time. I love all of that. I think it’s good. I care about you. I want you to stay well as well. I want you to stay safe. What you and your family to be okay. There is no sense in preparing for disaster. Beyond doing what’s necessary honoring you know those things. There’s no sense to terrorize yourself in the privacy of your own mind. It’s not productive, it’s not helpful. When you’re in that state, you’re really not able to help anybody else. And that’s what we’re here to do right now is to be a light for each other, to be a light for each other. And it doesn’t mean I have to carry you on my back everywhere I go today, which is a really good thing, because it’s tiring, carrying everyone with us, carrying it all on us like it’s our load and only our load. No. But I can tell you, each of us may have a little corner have that in our hearts where we just want to make it better for everyone. You deciding to be vibrant. You deciding to be a blaze. In that springy, chartreuse green of the time at least in my yard today I’m seeing it right out this window. Choosing to be that over anything else is a healer for those people you are worried about. You are afraid for you are hearing about and if you’re somebody being of service in the world, we’re shot we’re showing up in the ways that we can then we absolutely just just this that’s our new uniform is sparkles and vibrancy and Blaze of Glory. Remember that Bon Jovi song, we’re not going down though we’re going up in a blaze of glory, or going out, our love is going out in that blaze of glory. It’s beautiful. You know, if people are messaging you now just think about this for a minute. I got a few WhatsApp this morning from some dear friends that we visited in our travels to Europe this Christmas time and that perspective is meant well meant, but it’s like please be protected. I’m worried about you take care of you. You know, I’m watching the news. I see what’s happening. Don’t let it happen to you like it happened here. All that kind of stuff. And here’s what I want to say because I think a lot of people mean Wow. And have you had those where you read those messages and it starts to get you feeling a little bit unsettled Or a tiny bit of fear starts to creep in. So, at this time, it’s so good to be intentional with your day to be very intentional with your moves. You know, it’s okay if your phone is not in your hand every single moment so that when the messages come in, you’re not just on high alert, reading them as they come. Give yourself some space to process how you’re going to ride through this time. And so that you can take a moment and, you know, sometimes I say Gird your loins or last week on the on the podcast, I talked about having a protection ritual, a ritual for yourself, where you ask, to be reminded of the sparkle and the power of your light and the only truth that’s ever really true, which is love. That’s all there is. You could take somebody Before you start reading all that stuff, if you need to dip into the news and, you know, there is something to staying informed, that’s kind for the anxiety in the body. You know, it’s a kindness just to stay a little bit abreast of what’s going on. Not 24 seven, CNN. Thank you very much, but just stay up on what’s going on. You can have your intentional ritual there. Bless me. Bless this space. I am a powerful beam. I’m connected to the source, the source, capital T, capital S,
this is who I am. I’m powerful. And then I was making a point about people who text or email or call and they’re sort of in a way projecting their fear onto you. They think they’re being kind or saying I’m worried about you Stay safe, you know. You don’t have to join with them in that place, you can respond. Today I sent a picture back of me holding some daffodils in the garden and I said, I’m sending you these. And with so much love. You don’t need to answer that energy. You can return it with love. Wayne Dyer used to tell that story all the time. And if you watched one or two or three of his PBS specials, or you’ve heard this story, he told it a lot. Fear knocked on the door and love answered. And nobody was there. You know, perfect love casts out fear. You don’t have to engage with people at a fearful level. It’s okay. And you’re not being bad or wrong. You’re being awesome. Should you choose To not engage on a low level of fear. And that’s not judging anyone else. Each of us is having our own experience now, don’t you think? Have you been seeing that? We’re all in a unique place with this and where we are. Truth be told it’s fine. You know, it’s fine. The big practice is realizing what we’re doing and evaluating whether or not it is helpful. You know? So, really today My message is to welcome your blessings without apology. To really get that all along in your life you have been somebody who has been of joyful heart and spirit and this time is just breaking more evidence of that. There is no need to store apology, there is no service in guilt. And there’s really no need to explain it away. That’s something I have been working on personally every day I’m showing up in the lives. And you know, for me a live thing can be scary because for a long time, I would worry about pushback from people who didn’t like my message. And this has been a really freeing experience for that part of me because you don’t know who comes on. Sometimes. People are there that you’re not sure about. And it’s been a really juicy talents and fun for me to keep sharing my life. In what’s true for me and just inviting people to be where they’re at, if they want to join with that love, that’s fantastic. And if they don’t, they’re free, you know. So welcome the good and drop the rest of the sentence. For my friends who say, say it’s been good, but I don’t want to say that too loudly. Right, that last part of the sentence, it’s been good period, or all is well period or we are so blessed period. Those of you working still those of you don’t apologize. And I guarantee you that people who are having an experience that we might, according to our opinion, our imagination, our version of what the worst of the worst would look like, those people that are on this ride too, and we can Not possibly know or assume we shouldn’t assume that we know what they’re going through or whether or not it is bad or terrible or hard. Really think about that. You really really don’t know. I’ve had a handful of experiences. So this is not no Robin in the millions with the scientific study here. I’ve had a handful of experiences with people who have been touched by this time, the corona love time,
much more deeply than most and they are thriving in ways that It’s so inspiring and astounding. So, I will say, I am not going to assume that anyone else’s experiences is anything really. I’m just going to stay in my own intent. The beauty of the good I’m going to welcome the good. I am meeting people all around the world right now who are saying the same. And we are mighty. together in this posse, this is us making a difference. And it is not hard and it doesn’t have to be hard. All we’re doing really is just being us. It’s pretty effortless just to be LS. Never forget that now is always new. Every moment is a new moment and you can choose again, you are free to choose again. So should you find in a moment that you are not writing in the energy you love. Choose again, that’s all twos again. And you don’t have to always be out. Like I said, With your pom poms in the backyard shouting is odd if you can 24 seven, the true journey is honoring our needs and appreciating this body. Thank you body, thank you body, letting the body rest. I’ve also heard several times today I’m not motivated, I can’t make myself do anything good. This is not necessarily a time to be building a new deck, or painting your kitchen. If you feel a true zeal and joy for those things, by all means, that’s your right path. You know it by your enthusiasm. But if you’re there kicking yourself in the butt, trying to make it happen. I’m just going to say no. This time is a time of rest and reflection for a lot of us. Think about it. It’s the first time the whole world is home. We’re all home. We’re all home having a personal day times. I don’t know how many days but we’re home. We’re home. And let us dedicate time to being home in our hearts as well. Just like Dorothy, right, there’s no place like home. So let us be home. And in that way and this is for those of you who’ve been writing to me about abundance, issues with abundance and livelihood, etc, etc. Look, you are a manifester of epic proportions. Really, you call so much to you? Just by focusing on it. So this is a time to really get in your in the spirit of your heart of your joyful heart and learning to see that it matters more about being a hospitable host to your abundance, which is the most basic form of abundance is love. The energy of being held and supported. So you always have this choice before you to go with the, you know the poop does your or to go with the love in your heart. And that’s my vote for you, my friends. Be a welcoming host a welcoming hostess, to your love to your abundance, to your fortune, to your friendships, to your opportunities to your miracles to your blessings. What do you want be a welcoming host who I tell you what, I am going to give myself five stars for this episode so far. It feels good to Be in this way, doesn’t it? It feels good to be lit up. And that is our wish for the world is it not? We wish so much to be of service to be of assistance to add light. I think of all the beautiful prayers in the world, the St. Francis of Assisi prayer, the prayers of St. Teresa, the prayers of, you know, let me be of service.
Let me make it different. Well, this is how we do it. We help the world most when we’re writing in our center in a place of peace and joy. When we’re remembering we are one with the spirit. That’s how we do it. So cheers. May that serve you and you know, please think about a friend you could share this message with today and again, And you are wholeheartedly invited to my morning magic sessions on Instagram. They’re beautiful. And I’d love to see you there. So you just need to, I’m not even sure you need to have an Instagram account. Just look me up Robin Hallett and I always post the replays to YouTube as well. And if you are more of an audio person you can for a donation, you can download the audio files on my website on the shop page. So lots of ways to participate there and receive on the daily some nourishment for yourself. So, inspiration today, I have been sharing this on those lives, a word of the day, the word of the day, the word of the day. How would it be to choose a word of the day to organize yourself around to rally yourself with a word to anchor your heart with. Many of us know about a mantra practice where we repeat a mantra to ourselves. A word of the day is something that you choose for yourself. So a lot of times we pick up a mantra. We didn’t make it up. You know, it’s not ours, but this is something you wake up and you say, How am I how am I doing and what do I need today? That word will come to you. I just wrapped this morning’s live so a lot of the words are fresh in my mind. My word today is home. For others it was grace grounding last Peace. Magic. Your word is your words. You know how I talked about getting up in the morning and hugging yourself before you get out of bed? Even before you pee? This would be the time to say what is my word for the day and then continue to choose that when you find your moments and who isn’t finding their moments these days, am I right? Or it’s a little up or a little down. You get a little scared and you want to come back home to your heart. This is how your word of the day will help you. So you know it’s another one you can write down. You can keep it with you keep it on your phone, keep it on an index card, write it on the chalkboard and do your practice and you have small children or young children do the word of the day together. There are more than one of you In the house, do your word of the day together. It is so fortifying and nourishing, and I love it so much. It’s easy to remember a word of the day for the day. And then tomorrow, you’ll pick a new word depending on how you’re doing. So I hope you get that world. I help you. I hope that really helps. It has been profound for me. I’ve been doing that for probably the last two or three weeks since we began our journey in this new climate, this Corona love time. Word of the Day. It’s been super powerful. So today’s letter, it’s a happy letter, and I wanted to share it because well, I’ll just read it. This goes out to you, Caitlin. And I thank you From the bottom of my heart. Hi there, dearest Robin, I want to firstly thank you for the shiny tools you have given me to help dance with the wild, stunning winds of life. I found your podcast by my aunt Kate’s Facebook page,
I think and she’s definitely more of a mother duck who I feel so incredibly lucky to love and now I’m a junior in college, and I’ve been studying abroad in Senegal. I am currently writing from the car and I’m staying with my host family here. It is sunny. And my host family is dealing with this transition period with a similar sense of loving this that I heard in your last recording. We have been dancing on the roof at sunset to keep moving. Your podcast helps pass peace forward and opens a world in my mind where I feel the most free to focus on building creative gems. Your podcast voice and philosophy has helped me adapt to new environments while having a cozy virtual blanket for processing the day. So I thank you from the bottom of my toes. Thank you for the magic work that you do and I am sending you so much appreciation and warmth. Love always Kaitlyn. I wanted to read this here because it feels like happy news. And at the risk of sounding like I’m reading it to toot my horn. It’s more about saying, look, look at how some of us are choosing to roll in these times. Some of us who can’t even be in the United States and are living abroad, studying abroad living abroad. In other places and choosing still, how they roll to the bottom of their toes dancing at sunset. You know, these are our choices now. To be as homeless we can in our heart and practice our perspective, always it won’t be possible 24 seven Some of us are touched by what’s going on much closer than others and we I know our being our best. I know that I know in our hearts we’re choosing to stay in a place of peace and hope as much as possible. And I wanted to share what one young woman is choosing to focus on and raising my hand and saying need to, I want to be helped. I want to adapt. I want to choose my cozy virtual blanket for processing the day. Me too. I want to recognize that there is a sense of loving this and dancing and movement. And so and you know, bless you, all of us mother dogs out there and Caitlin, continue consider me another mother doc in your life. Another spirit mama in your life, riding with you and sharing this love and I know our posse here we are mighty. We are mighty. So never forget. We ride together and Should you choose, you know, because we’re always free to choose, aren’t we? So Caitlin, thank you so much for this letter. I send love from my heart to yours all the way in Dakar to your host family to your neighbors from my rooftop to your rooftop and beyond.
To your host family to your neighbors from my rooftop to your rooftop and beyond and to your aunt mother dock to itself so beautiful how we choose and I thank you and so friends just wanted to share some happy it feels happy to me. I wanted to share it on and I so love and appreciate us. We are like one virtual family. We are like one virtual cozy blanket. What a beautiful way of saying it. And I know last week I was talking about you know, we choose the cozy blanket we pull up around ourselves always it can be one of grace and ease and joy, or one of fear. And we’re free. So loves Well that wraps another episode of Tea with Robin Episode 83. I hope you’re loving these. I really do especially now making space to listen and receive. I know for me, I appreciate these happy, inspired times to share those messages with you and it helps me to and that’s why I love to continue showing up. If you love this episode, too, please share them with a friend. If you see me sharing it somewhere, give it a like help it fly a little bit further. Along the sparkle channel, should you feel called to support my work. I appreciate that you can make a financial donation or share. Like I say sharing is also support. And I always thank you for that. Well love home is my word for today home and we are home at night with a sense of peace and joy. And I’m going to see you here next time. Have a fresh cup of tea with you. And I already can’t wait. I am sending so much love. Thank you so much for showing up with me here. It’s me Robin. I’ll see you next time or in a few minutes. Bye bye.