Here’s the truth. Even though I don’t love it, sometimes I get down and I will feel anxiety and panic too. It happens unexpectedly, and in my “extensive research” I find that paying attention to the feelings without loving kind self-care will often make it worse. I guess even my feelings adhere to the law of attraction: that which I focus on increases.
And so more than anything I turn to a practice to support me. In my heart I know it’s not the biggest deal that we may feel down even if other people don’t agree…I talk with enough of you to know I am never the only one. What matters more is what we choose to do for ourselves once it happens.
Always, I’m in for loving and accepting ourselves, no matter what.
This has to be the practice, otherwise, we are never ever going to feel okay riding through life.
And so, I wanted to share my practice with you today. This a practice of welcoming all of it in and loving ourselves exactly as we are. I made this at the lake recently and I hope you love it.
I AM Loving Awareness Beachy Meditation with Robin
Feeling deeply is one of our best qualities if you ask me I wouldn’t want to change this about me or you for anything in the world, but I do know that sometimes it can get so heavily focused that we need help getting out again. Try it and see.
(my transcription is below)
Well good morning, beautiful friend! It’s me Robin, and I’m away on our annual holiday trip to Lake Michigan, time to rest and reflect and, of course, I have to bring you here with me.
Let’s practice together today — a little loving-kindness meditation. A little loving awareness meditation.
I’m going to set up a little spot to sit. If you can grab a cuppa yum yum and cheers with me, that would be great
(And Hi, it’s me Robin off camera. Cheers to you love the waves are such a cleansing element, but they sure are loud.)
And they really really love me.
So this is a sacred time to set up a spot to sit with me and treat yourself like a sacred being. You matter.
And learning to sit–even for a few minutes every day–just to be in a loving practice with yourself, it’s so good.
So get comfortable, you can sit like I am.
You can sit like I am or any way that feels good to you, and just be with your own heart.
I am loving awareness.
Perhaps, place your hands on your high heart.
Let yourself soften into your beautiful center.
I gotta tell you, you are so beautiful. You are so loved. You are so cherished. So wanted. So welcome. And I know how it is, how it’s hard for you. Sometimes, how you worry about things, right here and now this is our practice today to welcome all of it in to allow all of it to just be here without worrying. And to affirm. I am loving awareness.
I am loving awareness.
I am love that is aware, and nothing about me is bad, or wrong, or an accident.
I am love.
There’s a beautiful line in the Course in Miracles that says:
“Love created me like itself.
Kindness created me kind.
Peace created me peaceful.” — ACIM workbook lesson 67
( You might enjoy the Course in Miracles practices I offer here. )
So good to sit here with you, my friend. Thank you for this time together.
I am loving awareness.
I am loving awareness.
And I ask you right now think about what it is you would really really like to call in for yourself. Let’s focus on that for a moment.
How is it that you want to be feeling? Let yourself feel into the feeling, and let’s call that up right now, we’ll use our imaginal ability to call the feeling to us, and then we’re going to scoop our arms wide pulling in all that joy.
All that peace. All that delight. All those answers we’re seeking. All those opportunities we’re seeking. Whatever it is, sweep your arms wide and call it to you now. Pull it down, pull it in.
That’s it. And then let’s pause for a moment of gratitude together.
I’m so grateful for this time with you. I’m so grateful for our practice together.
And now I’d like to offer a blessing for you, beloved, some energy healing, some light, some joy, some peace. So this is for you.
May my friend, be eased.
May my friend be at peace.
May my friend experience the healing being sought.
And the love desired.
And the abundance requested.
The ease and delight.
Please bring these to my friend now.
And if you are willing to receive that just say, Yes.
It’s that simple, love.
So now a gentle moment of love and ease.
I am loving awareness.
There we go. Wasn’t that nice? Just a few minutes.
Now let’s have a sip of yum yum. And let’s sit a little closer together. Let’s make some contact here.
I’m gonna tell you something: Namaste, my unicorn friend. You are beautiful and amazing and there’s no other like you out there.
So what if you practice being the loving awareness for yourself?
Instead of looking for comparisons and judging your heart.
Love created you like itself.
How can that be wrong?
Thank you for joining me. And I’m going to put some links below so we can stay together in this love posse.
And a huge thank you to each of you who chooses to show up and ride with me here. We strengthen one another and share a common heart. It’s powerful!
This has been me, Robin. I’m sending you so much love. peace to you today. Bye bye.
I’m sending love and a hug and always, I am here to walk with you if you’d like more support.
Related link: Bumpy Landings: How to Handle the Transition Times // Tea with Robin Podcast Episode 56
Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: