Hello beautiful Friend! Please join me for a powerful 5 minute healing meditation on forgiveness.
This week’s meditation focuses on self-forgiveness
Forgiveness towards yourself. There are things you hold against yourself; ways you judge yourself so harshly; unkindnesses you continue to supply to your own beautiful heart. Please join me for this powerful meditation. Transcript is below.
This is a meditation for your own spirit. A forgiveness meditation for the things you hold against yourself; the unkindness you continue to supply to your own beautiful heart.
Take a deep breath and go inside, close your eyes if that feels right. Place a hand on your heart and belly, and take another deep breath.
Continue to allow yourself to breathe and soften your body, just a little more as you listen to my teaching here.
In this moment, tune to your heart light…the center of your being. Now is the time to know that you have always been a precious precious gem and that there is nothing you could do to not be loved and loveable; holy and whole. You may scan back over your life…you may find repeat offending thoughts…times where you said this or that critical thing. What if you could let yourself off the hook? What if you could let go of the past and not need to continue to bring it forward into this present moment?
What if you could practice: today is the day I forgive myself.
Breathe and exhale. We all have stories of things we did and didn’t do…things we’ve said we wish we didn’t. But it’s an unkindness to continue to hold myself to the impossible standard of imperfection.
Trusting the deeper wisdom that I’ve never not been ok, I’ve never not been loveable, I’ve always been a spark of the Divine and I will decide to shine, shine, shine. Like the song says: this little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine.
And when the story comes that I am a piece of crap or I said this stupid thing or this person didn’t get it or this person misquoted me or this church says I cannot worship in their walls, whatever it is, could I treat it as a sign to wake up and come back to my center? To my heart? To come back to my heart light…this little light of mine?
When you are unforgiving with yourself, choose again.
What if you could remember in your upset the signal of coming back to your center? Today let this be your practice: come back to the now and shine.
You may scan back over your life and find these repeat offending thoughts… remembering the times when you did this or that…what if you could let yourself off the hook?
What if you could let go of the past and not need to continue to bring it in the present moment?
What if you could make it a practice: today, I forgive myself.
We all have stories, things we’ve done or said… stuff we said and didn’t do. It’s an unkindness to continue to hold myself to that standard of perfection. In this moment, let it go.
Trust the deeper wisdom that you’ve never not been okay; you’ve never not been unloveable. You have always been a spark of the Divine and you can decide to shine.
And when the story comes that says I am not worthy of forgiveness, could I treat it as a sign to wake up? As a signal to come back to center and my breath and my heart and this little light of mine?
All is forgiven, choose again.
Come back to center and shine.
Forgive yourself and shine.
Come back to the now and shine.
Forgive yourself. Practice. And the more you do, you’ll see there was never anything to forgive 🙂
Tuning to your heart light, the center of your being, now is the time to know that you are a precious gem and you have always been that precious gem. There is nothing you could do to not be loved and loveable, holy and whole.