I’ve been feeling a bit cranky after seeing the mainstream suggestions for New Year’s resolutions.
Where is the heart centered advice on how to feel peaceful, easy, and totally in love with your life?
I have the impression that the vibes people are being steered toward have to do with being overly concerned about what they look like and what they accumulate.
What an unbalanced thing, to only look at oneself from the outside.
Yes, a lot of us are overweight. Yes, it’s a good idea to eat less crap. And yes some of us are in debt and we need to save more money too. (and on and on it goes)
But honestly, feeling good on the inside has very little to do with what you look like, weigh, eat or do for exercise. It also has very little to do with the size of your bank account or how many likes you have on Facebook.
Addressing the outer while ignoring the inner will only give a temporary shift.
True transformation means we need to look deeper than our shell.
Here are my suggestions for powerful
transformational New Year’s resolutions. Some will kick your butt while others will hug your heart.
These are all things I work on personally, and find extremely helpful. (It’s a practice, not a perfect) I hope you will too.
Rather than playing the victim of your life why not consider being your very own hero?
Instead of asking why is this happening to me, ask instead, how is this happening for me?
Give up your stinking thinking – it’s time to stop being such a crusty booger. What can you do to sweeten those thoughts?
Stop being an idiot: It’s just not personal, people do not care about what you’re doing as much as you think they do.
When you find yourself mad at someone for the 100th time, for the exact same thing they always do, ask yourself: What is my part in creating this problem?
It’s time to let go of the righteous indignation. If you can release what he or she did to you last week or last year, you will feel so much easier in your body and soul.
Gossip – just don’t do it. Stop bashing and badmouthing–even just a little bit–it’s poison to you, and the other person can feel it.
Be a force of love in the world. Infect others with your joy. When the complaining happens or the downers appear, return the energy with love.
Find compassion in the other person’s experience. It’s not just all about you.
Practice forgiveness. Just do it. Mandela once said that resentment is a poison we take in order to kill our enemies.
Ask better questions like: How can I give instead of looking to get? How can I serve rather than wondering what’s in it for me?
I just want to add: I’ve learned through my own hard knocks and foibles and I truly appreciate those bad experiences for their great lessons.
I might not be perfect at every item I’m offering to you here, but that’s not the point! It’s a practice.
Are you practicing?
May you allow yourself to be exactly as you are instead of trying to be who you are not.
May you follow your own guidance rather than being led by the pack.
May you always know that you are loved and cherished.
Hope you’ll join me in this resolution revolution!
Hugs and love,
Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/robinhallett-interview/