Toxic Job: Should I Stay or Quit? (Healing Insights)

Have you ever been in a work situation that felt toxic to you personally?

Sometimes the challenges are more than you can bear and it’s time to walk away.

Often, it’s the case that the situation feels awful because you’re supposed to be learning something personally from this experience.

It takes courage and heart do to this, but I know you’re up for it!

HI Robin, I’m looking to get out of a toxic job–I just can’t handle it anymore. I really want to find a work environment where I’ll be more comfortable.  I keep wondering if it is wrong to quit? Should I stay and try to make it work? Thanks!

You can quit your job if you want to, but there’s gonna be a problem…

I’ve got a sneaking suspicion the stinky stuff happening at your job is triggering a place in you that needs further exploration. If you quit without gaining some important insights, the next one will be more of the same, or worse.

It would be great if you could stick around a while longer to “get” that lesson, so to speak.

How does it feel when you believe the thought: my workplace is toxic ?

By allowing this feeling to be your set-point, your nervous system gets the message it’s under attack.

Become very interested in the thoughts you think about this situation.  Beliefs are nothing more than the thoughts you keep thinking.

Decide that the discomfort is an invitation to receive some important insights for your journey.

Ask your inner victim to get in the backseat!

You are a strong, fabulous, intelligent human being on a journey. If you choose to stay, do it because you want to understand better what is triggering you personally.

Become an observer of the situation rather than one who experiences it.

Picture yourself at a soccer match.

There are people who play on the field (experiencers), and people who sit in the stands watching the game (observers).

The player on the field feels every little thing that happens in the match personally. This person has only two objectives:

1. To keep the other person from scoring a goal (attack)

2. To kick that ball into the opponent’s goal (defend)

This is life from an ego-based perspective.  You either attack or defend all day long. Life from this place feels very hard.

As often as possible, be the observer. Watch what’s happening with an open heart and mind while you sit comfortably on the sidelines.

When you observe objectively, more insights will come to you about the situation.

Ask yourself:

  • What am I being invited to learn from this?
  • How is this feeling familiar to other times in my life?
  • Do I recognize a pattern in the way I react in response to the situation?

Each day choose to go to work consciously. Show up with the knowing in your heart that you are HERE for a reason.

Do not blame the situation on everyone else. The more you blame everyone around you–keeping the problem out there–the harder it will be to get what this is about for you personally on your journey.

And trust me, if you are upset, then the situation has something to do with you.

Remember my mantra: Love is my dharma, there is nothing to fear!

Instead of indulging your feelings of suffering, try asking those questions I mentioned above. Stay curious. Take the answers you get seriously.

It’s a practice. Do this and you will have some awesome insights about what’s going on for you personally.

You’ll also have a much better picture of what that perfect work environment will look like for you in the future 🙂

How can I help you? Get in touch with me here.

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Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: