Dear Inner Shaman, Mother and Guru, Please Help Me to Remember

dear inner shaman, mother and guru

Dear inner Shaman, Mother, and Guru, please help me to remember:

I am my own Shaman

there’s no need to climb Machu Picchu

or wander the desert seeking,

I’m right here.

I am my own mother

I know best what soothes my colicky cry,

and eases my indigestion

or rocks me gently to sleep

I am my own Guru

they say I come from stardust

ancient wisdom flows through my veins

my cells vibrate with knowing

I am one with the Universe

but sometimes, I’m like a little mole in the garden

nearly blind and searching

all the while burrowing deeper

dear inner Shaman, Mother, and Guru, please help me to remember

it’s all in here already

I am already on the inside, standing in the sacred room

only knocking on the door hoping to be let in

— Robin Hallett 8/18/2014

And you are too! You are your own Shaman, Mother, and Guru…

You are the Shaman, mother, and guru…trust what you know, and give yourself permission to follow your own pointings.


Robin Hallett Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Awesome Artist

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Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: