Your Vibe Brings the Tribe

Your Vibe Brings the Tribe

This is a little pep talk for my Soul-preneur friends. May it serve you in shining more brightly (WOOT!)

It’s an awful feeling when people miss the point of your offering.

It sucks when they show up but don’t quite get what you’re really about, or worse, lessen what you do down to a shallow, dried-out version of what you know yourself to be.


We aren’t here to feel sucky about what we do, we are here to feel juicy, vibrant, delighted and excited to serve.

Your vibe attracts the tribe.

Conventional wisdom has it backwards: consider your tribe and then match that vibe. But really, it’s the other way around – you do your best work when you’re shining at full wattage, when you are clear and uncompromising about what you feel called to give, share, offer, and then your vibe is like a bonfire that can be seen and felt across the galaxy.

Your bonfire sends the signal which calls the people and opportunities, so if you want to attract a tribe you feel so fired up and excited to serve, your inner vibe has to be a match to fired up and excited too.

The better the quality of light you are offering, the better the quality of opportunities that will come.

Your inner reflects the outer.

Your Vibe Brings the TribeWhat lights you up is meant to be.

This feeling is like a signal fire from the Divine saying: THIS, this is your One True Thing, darling. This is what you’re here to do.

What if we could trust that they’re coming and keep our vibes at maximum juju? Feel great while we wait rather than entertain thoughts of giving up or selling out. What if we could let those vibes be bright and bubbly, excited and curious–just like someone who has placed their delicious order and knows the Cosmic Chef is back in the Kitchen cooking up something good.

Trust that what you love is what you’re here to do, resist temptation to become anything else.

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

So stick and hold! Keep the vibes high! They are coming!


Robin Hallett Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Awesome Artist

Further reading suggestions: I wrote a post over here about my first year in a full time healing practice, I learned so much from the hard knocks and wrong choices I made. I also shared a story over here about client-fit (and avoiding crazy circus energy!) and here about sharing your offerings soulfully. May these uplift and support you where you need it most!

Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: